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Peridot: The Birthstone and Its Connection to Zodiac Signs and Personality Traits
Peridot, the birthstone for August, is not only admired for its vibrant green color but also for its unique connection to zodiac signs and personality traits. This gemstone is believed to b...
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August Birthstone: Peridot The birthstone for August is Peridot, known for its vibrant green color and dazzling luster. Peridot has been cherished throughout history and is believed to symbolize st...
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Some common misconceptions about Emeralds!
It's the month of the May Birthstone, the noble emerald, the king of green gems, has existed in ancient Egypt, symbolizing kindness, confidence, eternity, luck and happiness. It is also known as "t...
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Black Diamond - The Loner of Diamonds
In obscurity, modest luxury black diamond, as a loner long deposited in the diamond. In recent years, black diamond has gradually attracted an attention of jewellery lovers, become one of the most ...
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The queen of jewellery, the pearl, one of the birthstones of June, is natural jewellery that does not require processing. Pearl, from Latin“Pernulo”. Its other name, Margarite, is derived from anc...
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Lucis Jewellery - Sending our love to you
We are proud to present to you, our new favourite series - Lucis Jewellery. We took its meaning of shining and brightness Dedicated to you who live in sparkling happiness. Why Lucis? -Sustainab...
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Morganite - The Little Princess Of The Gemstone
Morganite is a beautiful pink and shining gemstone that can make every girl’s princess dream come true. Morganite is a rare pink of the beryl. If you are unfamiliar with the name beryl, I bet you ...
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PurpleMay Jewellery - Marvellous N-in-One Jewellery
The jewellery is a woman’s armor. It can accent our outfit, help us express who we are and bring out the confident and courage when we need them. However, they always said: It you can’t stop thinki...
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Tourmaline - The Birthstone of October
October is such a colorful month, because of the two birthstones of October - Opal and Tourmaline. Opal is a gemstone that reflects all colors on the chromatogram, and tourmaline has the widest ...
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Opal - The Birthstone of October
To win the heart of Cleopatra, the Roman general Mark Anthony gave her the Opal that she craves. To impress the Empress of Josephine, Napoleon gave her a shining opal called "Burning Troy." Queen V...
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